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Produced by Funnylicious Improv Theater, Improv Night is a highly entertaining, yet totally improvised show that relies on your suggestions and participation! This is a bilingual show (English and Slovak language), so don’t worry about language barrier!

Witness how the improv actors create various characters, amusing situations and scenes right before your eyes!

Don’t miss it because no two shows are ever the same! 

Starring members of Funnylicious Improv Theater as well as different special guests in every show.  

Cast: To be announced

Musician: To be announced

Date: 31.1.2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 19:00 to 20:30

Venue: Mala Scena Theater, Bratislava

Fee: 10EUR

ISAC members, retirees, students: 5EUR

Get your tickets here!

