

ISAC is a non-profit civil association whose interests are to make arts and culture accessible to everyone and to use the arts as a way to foster cross-cultural awareness and build healthy and progressive communities.

We strongly believe that arts and culture bring us together and teach us about ourselves and the world around us.

We aim to develop a flourishing environment of art that offers everybody the chance to participate, learn and create. The four areas of our focus are:

  • Literary Arts

  • Performing Arts

  • Visual Arts

  • Skills and Development

Do you represent an art organization in your country? Do you have an idea or a project that would fit well with ISAC? Perhaps you are interested in teaching a workshop?


We do what we love and are connected to something greater than ourselves.

We are creators, artists, directors, performers, leaders, and future movers and shakers. We want to empower each other and we care about our cultures.

We are in this together. There is a famous saying, ‘if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together’. We have empathy and we respect each other as human beings. We understand that a strong community is the backbone to a successful and prosperous society.

We believe in the importance of representing artists from various backgrounds and cultures and the under-represented minorities and communities. We understand that we need to embrace diversity in order to reach out to new audiences and transform society.

We strive to be an organization where our members feel inspired to share their arts, ideas and stories. We do this by creating a nurturing environment which cultivates creativity and feeling of empowerment.

We love what we do, who we are and the ideas we represent. We find joy in our work and in achieving our goals. We believe that happiness is contagious.

Without arts, there would be no us. We are grateful to everyone who shares their arts with us and make the world more beautiful and meaningful. We are also eternally grateful to ISAC volunteers who invested their time and energy into making all this a reality.

Engage with ISAC

Join our growing community of creative people and organizations!

Whether you are a student looking for more experience, a working professional seeking collaborations with other artists, a retiree who wants to pick up a new skill, or an organization looking for talents and projects, ISAC is an excellent source of professional opportunities.

Connect with us to share your ideas and initiatives.

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